
You gotta take it easy on yourself when you’ve done wrong. No matter what you do or what had happened, you have to be able to forgive yourself.

Pat yourself on the back, tell yourself ‘I am sorry for putting you through this’ and tell yourself ‘I love you’. It will make you feel better.

Life is too short to sit and wallow in your own sorrow. Learn from your mistakes, and move on. You will find that loving yourself, forgiving yourself is a crucial part of letting go.

You are important, to yourself before to anyone. Everyone makes mistakes, but we do not learn until we’ve done them. Between all the darkness, be your own hero instead of looking for one.

But keep those who love you close, and those who are there for you and forgive you closer.

Forgiveness.. is another form of love, another way of acceptance, a mire reflection of yourself. Because when you forgive yourself, others will too. And even if they don’t, dont worry, you still got yourself.

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